The Ambiguity of Dealing with Ambiguity

I don’t know how common the phrase “dealing with ambiguity” is broadly, but it’s been a common description of a valued skill at Microsoft.  Whether the buzzwords are used or not, there is plenty of ambiguity in the world. What I’ve found interesting over the years is how differently people define what appropriately dealing with ambiguity looks like. Here’s my simple take.

There are 2 ways to appropriately deal with ambiguity

  1. Understand the ambiguity is there and be okay with it.  Find the right ways to work around the lack of knowing and make progress anyway.  In some cases it means that that project may need to wait or adjust.  This is helpful when it isn’t your job to bring the clarity or a case where the extra information may not be possible to know.
  2. Remove the ambiguity. Figure it out, decide, bring together the right people, etc.  Be the bringer of clarity and answers.  This is the main choice when the clarity is needed; and it’s either your job to do so or you can make it your job.

In my experience, the difference between dealing with ambiguity well or not has everything to do with identifying which of the 2 categories of ambiguity you’re dealing with.

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